The rise of King Leif

The full story of

The rise of King Leif

And the Weatherstone adventurers

Fallwane 1165

On the move

Sandarme, Thorgrim and Wulfrem, three companions, have been taken prisoner by treasure hunters while visiting an ancient tomb. It's in this predicament that our adventure really begins.

The adventurers convince one of their captors to free them in exchange for a share of the booty. He agrees. And so begins a battle. The treasure hunters, led by a certain Murak, are all killed.


A first booty

Freed, the company finds a heavy stone door sealed in the crypt. Sandarme, using his stone chant, manages to open it. Inside is a large solid gold statue and an enchanted flute. The group learns that the crypt is that of a certain bard king, or King of the Bards, who would have served under Zertrome, son of Zygofer.


Arrival at the Arlan relay station

The company, accompanied by the two cartographers, Norbert and Susanne, arrive late at the Arlan relay station. Nestled in the heart of the mountains, the relais is a haven of peace for travelers and merchants alike.

A hot soup and a few pints later, the little group wins a contest of Belles Histoires against the bard Alfred. Wulfrem also learns of the existence of the fortress of Weatherstone. This ancient stronghold is said to be haunted, but full of riches. The cartographers may well know more...


A card at full price

At dawn, the group is ready to leave for the Hollows. Sandarme argues with Norbert about getting the map back for a low price. The cartographer is adamant. Tempers flare, threats are made and the group soon realizes that the cartographers won't be leaving the relay for a long time. The company ends up buying the map at full price.


Fighting manticore

The group comes across a ferocious manticore on the way to the Hollows. One fierce battle later, a triumphant Thorgrim proposes to drag the beast's corpse back to the village. The idea is quickly abandoned.


A chance encounter

The group finally arrives at the Hollows. The small village is surrounded by a palisade. La Main du Mort, the village tavern, is open and full of people. Here, the company meets Leif, a local who tells them the history of the Hollows and the surrounding area.

After a long discussion, a common interest begins to emerge. Leif knows the fortress of Weatherstone well. His family claims rights to it. And Leif is willing to share. The group agrees on their next adventure and Leif joins the team.


The start of trouble

Celebrating their new recruit at La Main du Mort, the group attracts attention... and trouble. Sturkas, a Rust Brother, is looking for trouble. Tempers flare, customers become tense and the inevitable happens. The confrontation begins, and it promises to be harsh. Wulfrem ends up killing Sturkas.



The group prepares for departure:

- Thorgrim goes to the village forge to melt the gold statue and dispose of Sturkas' body;
- Sandarme meets Mrs. Polmor and buys horses from her;
- The group meets Yavim, the dwarf brewer, then makes various purchases for the journey to the fortress.


Departure for the fortress

In the morning, the company leaves the village, the weather clear and cold. Shortly after leaving, an aggressive ghost attacks. Sandarme, with the force of his voice alone, frightens it away.


Goblins in the night

After marching all day towards the fortress of Weatherstone, the company sets up camp. Sandarme prepares the meal, while the others stand guard or rest. In the dead of night, a group of goblins decide to attack the camp. The fight is generally well fought, the group quickly takes care of the problem and the last goblin flees.

Wulfrem sets off in pursuit, to his own misfortune. The goblin stabs him in the heart with his dagger and flees. Sandarme, Leif and Thorgrim can do nothing. Wulfrem is gone.


Here lies Wulfrem

The group is devastated by the loss of their companion. Early in the morning, they break camp and prepare to continue towards Weatherstone. Before setting off, Sandarme, in memory of the wolfman, performs a ritual, the Chant du Forgepierre. Throughout the morning, before the astonished eyes of the rest of the company, the half-elf sings and shapes the stone. By noon, the mausoleum is ready: a 30-meter-high stone tree honors Wulfrem's memory.


Blood in the night

Exhausted after a strenuous night and a full day's march, the adventurers set up camp on the edge of a cliff. It's only a few hours' walk to the fortress, but they've had enough.

As they eat and reminisce about the deeds of their fallen companion, the Blood Mist rises. On the alert, they spot Bloodlings, blood demons. It's a tough fight, but the company emerges victorious. The night continues.


The legend of the Well of Tears

As soon as they arrive on the outskirts of the fortress, the company meets Dalb, the bard. He recounts the legend of the Well of Tears. He also offers to buy the Sceptre of Nehkaka should they happen to find it.


Aldanàr the Elf

Setting up camp in Weatherstone's old watchtower, the company meets Aldanàr, a cunning Elf. After a shared meal, Aldanàr tells his story and his quest to recover ancient Elven stones. He also invites the adventurers to join them. The group expands.


A fortress not so abandoned

Standing guard around the camp, Thorgrim hears another group of adventurers approaching and entering the castle. Throughout the night, the group hears sounds of fighting.


The moat monster

In the early hours of the morning, ready for the assault on the fortress, the group decided on a two-stage plan. First, seal the main gate to prevent the previous night's adventurers from escaping with the loot. Secondly, to enter the castle via the cliff and make their way to the treasure.

Once near the main gate, Sandarme sings for the stones and blocks the entrance. A water monster then attacks him, narrowly failing to drown him. Aldanàr's heroic action defeats the monster and saves the half-elf.


High-flying negotiation

The adventurers then make their way to the cliff to the west, crossing directly over using a very old wooden crane. After a successful negotiation with a group of harpies nesting on one of the castle's roofs, they reach the Algarod tower unharmed.


A stone dormitory

Having found a back door at the base of the tower, the company decided to spend the night in a small room and continue exploring the next day.